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Monday, March 16, 2020

Top 6 ways to treat dispute between husband and wife|+91-9888520774

1.   Pray to your lord every day for peace in your relationship
2.   Donate whatever you can even a little to the people that actually in need
3.   Help others with no thinking of  return from them
4.   Help the animals, if they are injured, do things to treat them or give them food to eat everyday
5.   On Friday sow a seed of any plant that is beneficial to people not like an eyesore.
6.   On Tuesday give food to monkey to make hanuman g happy.

What are the top 7 reasons that are called mistakes in husband and wife fight?

1.   Doubts
       Doubts are the worst things in relationships it is like an enemy hiding in      shadows
2.   Suspicions
If you are confused let me tell you that suspicion is different from the doubts, suspicion means that the person is guilty of something he/she is doing or has done and doubt is having less belief in your partner.

3.   Nature
Nature plays a very important role as a person always don’t do things intentionally sometimes it’s in there DNA or their environment where they grow up.
4.   Cheating
That’s the last thing to do with your partner; if you do this you will going to hell with no one with you, the good merits you build about you will fade in a cloud.

5.   Only listens to the things that you want to listen
In a relationship, the thing is you have to give importance to what your partner is saying. In modern cultures, the peoples only say what they want to listen and don’t listen to what their partner is saying like they are trying to prove they are the boss so nothing will be done without their permission
6.   Affair
When your love is decreasing and your desires are rasing this happens. Sometimes this happens due to society. Because modern people don’t wanna use their mind they want a person to guide them.

7.   Not giving your partner time
Nowadays if you ask anybody are \you free they will say they are busy in actual people are busy but not that much they just do things they give priority to or think as important things

How beneficial astrology is to resolve conflicts between husband and wife

Astrology can help you using mantras that are said to be affected by humans like by controlling them to do good things or make them talk politely to you

What lal kitab says about the conflict between husband and wife?

In the lal kitab it is written that in the upcoming future the relationship is just like a thing no real love and if not guided properly the problem will rise to a large scale


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